Frequently Asked Questions

1. Success rate

Success for one person may mean being able to have 2 or 3 different foods in their diet. For someone else, it may mean being able to sit down and eat at a restaurant without being overwhelmed.

Success is measured by the ability of the person to reach out and explore new food without the old feelings overwhelming them and shutting them down.

For teens 16+ and adults, this occurs over 90% of the time after the Therapy.

For those aged 8 to 15, the experience of change is over 70%.

2. Do the results last?

If we go to the gym for a few months and never go again, the progress and results will diminish.

However, if we learn the piano, and persist with our practice, then a part of the mind retains the information, and the skills never really leave us even after we stop practicing.

The progress out of ARFID is different for everyone. However, if the person is motivated and persists with the gentle practice advised during the Therapy, then longer term results are experienced and achievable.

3. Support after therapy

The ARFID Food Phobia THERAPY is initially a two session Program. For many clients this is all that is required. For others, they benefit from ongoing support.

A support program is available for those that require support on their ARFID recovery journey.

4. Efficacy of a Clinic compared to a Zoom appointment

The efficacy of the Therapy is the same whether in Clinic or via Zoom. However there are some exceptions.

For young clients that have difficulty concentrating, then a face to face session in the Clinic can sometimes be more helpful.

5. What age is best?

The Therapy is appropriate for ages 8+, teenager and adult.

The key to success is that the person wants to attend Therapy for themselves, rather than being brought along unwillingly by a parent.

For younger children, as long as they can follow instructions and have a reasonable attention span, they will be suitable for the Therapy.

Some children bring toys or fidget devices into the Therapy. This is acceptable and often helpful for ADHD clients.

6. What percentage of the session is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis forms an important part of the Therapy, but is not the sole reason for change. Hypnosis is used to consolidate the learnings of the session at a deeper level within the person’s mind.

For younger children, Hypnosis is sometimes not required, or it is undertaken with their eyes open.

The Therapy does not rely on Hypnosis for success.

The ARFID Hypnosis component is approximately 15 minutes. An audio recording of the Hypnosis is provided to all clients so they can continue to listen and gain additional benefit at home.

7. Can parents be in the room with their child?

For younger children, it is advisable that a parent sits in on the session with them (or if by Zoom, is in the room).

Although both parents are welcome to attend the session, it is worth noting that this can sometimes put additional unnecessary pressure on the child.

8. Can I bring a support person?

Yes. A parent, partner or support person is welcome to attend the session.

9. Do I need to bring food in to the Therapy session?

All clients are requested to bring in a few items of food that they don’t currently eat. This is brought out at the end of the session for clients to experience how their ‘feelings’ around food have changed.